People & Culture


AACo is committed to building a skilled and well-rounded labour force across our operations.

The focus is on employing passionate men and women and providing extensive training and opportunities for them to grow.

Training starts with ‘O-Week’ (Orientation Week) where all new recruits across our properties are trained up to the baseline skills and safety level prior to mustering season. Training continues with the AACo ‘Skills Framework’, which contains structured modules covering all aspects of the operations. This aspect is ongoing as we require staff to continue learning during their time with AACo.


Safety is a key pillar at AACo. All station staff are provided the same safety and skills induction prior to commencing their role in the field, regardless of their level or role. This ensures everyone is on the same page and a strong safety culture is instilled in all employees.

Our aim is to maintain an excellent safety performance which meets legislative requirements and best practice industry standards.

For more information on our safety focus, see Working with AACo.

Community Resilience Building

Building and maintaining strong communities to support our rural and regional workforce is important for AACo’s continuing success. It’s also about engaging with local communities to strengthen their capabilities. Some of our programs include:

  • Inter-station challenges and football games between regions
  • Formal recognition programs acknowledging outstanding efforts by staff
  • Partnership with Royal Flying Doctor Service to boost resources and mental health awareness across the Northern Queensland Gulf region communities afflicted by the February 2019 flooding event
  • Travelling health service providing physiotherapy and mental health support to station staff
  • Mental health first-aid trained officer at most stations
  • Traineeships and graduate programs to build skills in young men and women
  • Supporting three Indigenous Community Living Areas (CLAs) on our properties
  • Developing contracting services with members of the CLAs
  • Partnership with the Northern Territory Cattleman’s Association and Indigenous Land Council to provide employment and training for young Indigenous people seeking a career in the cattle industry